All Categories My Account Emails from Sparkk TV...

Emails from Sparkk TV...

We only send 1-2 emails per month...

Stay in the Loop (Optional):

We value your time and only send updates about exciting new shows, exclusive offers, and helpful tips 1-2 times per month. If that sounds good, you can easily subscribe:

  • Create an Account: When you sign up, there's a pre-checked box to join our newsletter. Uncheck it if you prefer not to receive emails.

  • Already a Member? Simply visit your Sparkk TV Account > Edit Account Settings and manage your email preferences under "Communications."

Feeling overwhelmed? No problem! Every Sparkk TV email has a convenient "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom. Click it anytime to easily remove yourself from the list.

Screenshot-2023-12-18-at-5.42.45 PM-JVbCEBfa.pngWhen registering, you can choose to subscribe to email categories or none at all by keeping the boxes checked or unchecking them. (Boxes checked by default and system emails sent by default and cannot be unsubscribed from).

Screenshot-2023-12-18-at-5.42.15 PM-bJpozjtH.pngIn your Account settings, you can uncheck any box to unsubscribe from those email categories. System emails cannot be unsubscribed from as long as you have an account with our site.

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